How many websites and MB can a 500 Mbps unmetered connection load at a time?

The capacity of a 500 Mbps unmetered connection to handle website traffic and data transfer depends on several factors, including the size of the websites, the nature of the content, and the average traffic per website. However, we can estimate the potential load based on average usage patterns.

500 Mbp unmetric

Estimating Website Capacity

  1. Average Website Size: Let’s assume an average web page size of 2 MB (modern web pages often range from 1-3 MB due to images, scripts, and styles).
  2. Load Time: To determine how many websites can be loaded concurrently, we need to consider the load time. A reasonable load time for a web page is around 2 seconds.


  1. Convert Mbps to MBps:
    • 500 Mbps = 500 / 8 = 62.5 Megabytes per second (MBps)
  2. Determine Concurrent Loads:
    • If each web page is 2 MB and you want it to load within 2 seconds, you can calculate the number of concurrent loads as follows:
      • Bandwidth per second = 62.5 MBps
      • Load time = 2 seconds
      • Data transferred in 2 seconds = 62.5 MBps * 2 = 125 MB
      • Number of 2 MB web pages = 125 MB / 2 MB = 62.5

Practical Capacity

  • Concurrent Web Pages: You can theoretically load about 62 web pages concurrently without exceeding the 500 Mbps limit, assuming each web page is 2 MB and loads in 2 seconds.

Data Transfer Per Time

  • Per Minute:
    • Data transfer per second = 62.5 MB
    • Data transfer per minute = 62.5 MB * 60 = 3750 MB (or 3.75 GB)
  • Per Hour:
    • Data transfer per hour = 3750 MB * 60 = 225,000 MB (or 225 GB)


  • Content Type: Static content (like images and text) versus dynamic content (like videos or interactive applications) will affect load times and sizes.
  • Traffic Distribution: Traffic typically isn’t constant, so consider peak vs. average loads.
  • Server Resources: Ensure your server’s CPU, RAM, and storage can handle the concurrent connections and data processing.


  • Web Pages: With a 500 Mbps unmetered connection, you can theoretically handle around 62 concurrent 2 MB web page loads every 2 seconds.
  • Data Transfer: You can transfer approximately 3.75 GB per minute or 225 GB per hour continuously.

These estimates provide a general guideline, but real-world performance will vary based on actual traffic patterns, server configuration, and network conditions.

“500 Mbps unmetered” in the context of OVH US hosting means that your server is capable of achieving a data transfer speed of up to 500 Megabits per second (Mbps), and there is no limit on the amount of data you can transfer.

About the author

Thom Ho

Mr. Thom has worked as an SEO specialist and WordPress developer, and he is on the list of the top 15% SEO workers in the world, tested by Linkedin in Nov 2020.